Thanksgiving Portuguese Water Dog Puppies
Friday morning (11/29) Xena had 9 puppies – 6 boys and 3 girls.
The day before they turned two weeks old, it was as if they got together and decided it was time to party!
WARNING: you might want to turn down the sound before playing..
Some pulled off their collars, got up on their feet and decided to it was time to start running around.
The February 2024 Xena x Rogue puppies are 4 weeks old in this video.
Today they discovered a new toy.
CH Miraval’s Warrior Princess, SWE, SCME, SEME, BCAT, TKN, RATO, WWD, BROM
Xena Pulling the line out of the water at a PWDCA Water Trial
CH Topsail’s Destinado A Ser Otima, BN, DCAT, SWN, SEA, SCA, SIA, ACT2, ACT2J, RATN, CGCA, TKA, VSWB, FITG, FTN, SN-C, WWD, MAC-3
Congratulations Pam & Liza
Liza (MACH Miraval’s Life is a Cabaret…) and her teammate Pam Lesher have had huge successes in obedience, agility, tracking, water work
Go to Mat is easy and fun to train
Arthur is about 10 weeks old. He was introduced to the clicker when he started eating. I clicked every time I put food down for the puppies. Now he knows that the sound of the clicker means he is doing the right thing.
About Miraval
When you work together with your dog builds your bond, and is fun. PWDs compete in Water Trials based on the work they did on the fishing boats in Portugal. Cricket can’t wait to do the next exercise.
More about Miraval PWDs
Miraval Pups at Home
When Lola went home her family thought she’d be a great companion and go for long walks. She does that AND she’s become an agility star.
Ruben is Ruby’s littermate, and a Champion. Now he spends time doing water work.
Luna lives on Whidbey Island WA where she has her own boat.